The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout
Test your grit and improve body composition with The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout.
Challenge yourself with four weeks of intensive kettlebell swinging to test your grit and improve body composition.
The program is based on Dan John's “The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout, " which was published on December 23, 2013, at T Nation.
You will dedicate four or five weeks to performing 10,000 proper kettlebell swings to complete the challenge. These will be split among 20 workouts. You’ll do 500 swings per workout.
Here below I extract what Dan and 18 other coaches and athletes experienced after putting the program to the test:
- Everyone got leaner, dropping a waist size or two in 20 workouts.
- Every coach or athlete made visual muscular improvements in their physiques, adding lean body mass.
- Every lifter significantly increased his grip strength, work capacity, and athletic conditioning. They could all train longer and harder when they returned to their regular training programs.
- After the program, every lifter saw a noted improvement in his core lifts. PRs fell like dominos. Full-body strength and power shot through the roof.
- Abs were more visible. Glute strength was tremendously better. The abs and glutes “discovered” how to work again, leading to athletic improvements in sport and the weight room.
What do you need for the challenge?
- One kettlebell (recommended weights — Women 12 or 16kg, Mem 24 kg)
- Be prepared to do the work physically and mentally
- Do the work — dedicate 4 or 5 days per week, around 1 hour per day, during 4 or 5 weeks
- Adjust to the circumstances and grit through the challenge
You can do it entirely on your own, or you can count on my support.
With my support as a coach, you will:
- Take an important first step and demonstrate your commitment
- Get step-by-step guidance
- Get the accountability you require to succeed
I have created a 1-on-1 coaching package for this challenge, and you can subscribe here
You can subscribe to this group if you do not need one-on-one coaching but want to demonstrate your commitment and grit through the challenge.
January 2024 — The Fourth Time I Am Going Through This Challenge
28kg/62lb KB for this challenge.
1st Workout — Wednesday 03/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus press one rep (each arm), 15 Swings plus press two reps (each arm), 25 Swings plus press three reps (each arm), followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 32min 27sec
Accumulated number of swings: 500
2nd Workout — Friday 05/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 weighted (+3kg) strict pullups, 15 Swings plus 3 weighted (+3kg) strict pullups, 25 Swings plus 5 weighted (+3kg) strict pullups, followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 35min 00sec
Accumulated number of swings: 1,000
3rd Workout — Saturday 06/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 Handstand pushups, 15 Swings plus 3 Handstand pushups, 25 Swings plus 5 Handstand pushups, followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 33min 34sec
Accumulated number of swings: 1,500
4th Workout — Monday 08/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 15 Swings plus 3 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 25 Swings plus 5 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 33min 26sec
Accumulated number of swings: 2,000
5th Workout — Tuesday 09/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 Handstand pushups, 15 Swings plus 3 Handstand pushups, 25 Swings plus 5 Handstand pushups, followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 32min 32sec
Accumulated number of swings: 2,500
6th Workout — Thursday 11/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 15 Swings plus 3 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 25 Swings plus 5 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 34min 11sec
Accumulated number of swings: 3,000
7th Workout — Friday 12/01/2024
EMOM for 30 minutes
First minute: 16 swings
Second minute: 18 hand-to-hand swings
Accumulated number of swings: 3,500
8th Workout — Sunday 14/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 Handstand pushups, 15 Swings plus 3 Handstand pushups, 25 Swings plus 5 Handstand pushups, followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 30min 55sec
Accumulated number of swings: 4,000
9th Workout — Tuesday 16/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 15 Swings plus 3 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 25 Swings plus 5 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 31min 28sec
Accumulated number of swings: 4,500
10th Workout — Thursday 18/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 Handstand pushups, 15 Swings plus 3 Handstand pushups, 25 Swings plus 5 Handstand pushups, followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 29min 26sec
Accumulated number of swings: 5,000. Halfway through the challenge!
11th Workout — Friday 19/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 15 Swings plus 3 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 25 Swings plus 5 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 31min 28sec
Accumulated number of swings: 5,500
12th Workout — Sunday 21/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 Handstand pushups, 15 Swings plus 3 Handstand pushups, 25 Swings plus 5 Handstand pushups, followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 29min 30sec
Accumulated number of swings: 6,000
13th Workout — Monday 22/01/2024
EMOM for 30 minutes
First minute: 16 swings
Second minute: 18 hand-to-hand swings
Accumulated number of swings: 6,500
14th Workout — Tuesday 23/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 15 Swings plus 3 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 25 Swings plus 5 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 32min 16sec
Accumulated number of swings: 7,000
15th & 16th Workouts — Friday 26 and Saturday 27/01/2024
EMOM for 25 minutes
First minute: 20 swings
Second minute: 20 hand-to-hand swings
Accumulated number of swings: 8,000
17th Workout — Monday 29/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 Handstand pushups, 15 Swings plus 3 Handstand pushups, 25 Swings plus 5 Handstand pushups, followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 29min 13sec
Accumulated number of swings: 8,500
18th Workout — Tuesday 30/01/2024
Five sets of
10 Swings plus 2 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 15 Swings plus 3 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), 25 Swings plus 5 weighted (+6kg) strict pullups (odd sets) / strict toes to bar (even sets), followed by 50 Swings.
Total time: 32min 16sec
Accumulated number of swings: 9,000
19th and 20th Workouts — Thursday 01/02/2024 and Frifay 02/02/2024
EMOM for 25 minutes
First minute: 20 swings
Second minute: 20 hand-to-hand swings
Accumulated number of swings: 10,000
Challenge Completed!